
Thoughts to the Sun....

Sitting in this chair
staring out the window..
Wondering if you'll ever come back
Waiting for the next time i'll see u again
I know you always come back
I know not a day passes without you coming to see me
I just wonder what will happen if you don't come
I imagine how dark this life will be without you in it
Please sun don't ever leave.

I can't possibly live in darkness
The light is my way
I need to see the light to move on
Please leave the darkness to take care of me when I'm asleep
I heard from the moon you wanted to give up your light
I'm pleading
I'm begging
Don't ever give up your light.
I know I might have been bad
Different things I might have said
At the end Sun I still love you

The moon says you are ostentatious
That's why you bring the light
I don't care
No matter what
You are my sun
When you smile down at me
I'm happy
I remember someone is watching over me
Thank you for always been my sun
Please don't leave my sun.
I need you
We complain but we all need you
The plants love you
The animals adore you
The people claim not to, if only they knew what you did for them
This is my plea to you, sun
Accept it..
I will write a letter to the moon and the stars too.

As I go to bed
I hope tomorrow I will wake up to you smiling down at me.
Please smile down at me
So I can make it through the day
Thank you.


Little Miss Media said...

oh my goooosh!!! this reminds me of 'to my silver moon' post!!! great minds think alike...lolz

TouchyMiMi said...

lol!...great mindz really do think alike!